Universal motor oil on a hydro synthetic basis, specially developed for all types of gasoline and diesel engines, including heavy-duty engines. Contains organic and inorganic molybdenum (MoS2).
Product properties:
- The HC base ensures efficient operation of the engine in all operating modes: during cold start, in urban and highway modes;
- Contains organic and inorganic molybdenum, providing unique anti-friction and extreme pressure properties. Effectively reduces wear due to a unique protective film that can withstand extreme loads;
- An effective set of antioxidants effectively resist ageing;
- A modern additive package preserves engine functionality and performance throughout the entire interval between replacements and maintains stable viscosity throughout the whole service life.
Designed for gasoline and diesel engines in a wide fleet of cars (cars, light SUVs, vans and light trucks) of European and other manufacturers. Recommended for cars of "old" brands and with high mileage. Not recommended to mix with standard engine oils.
The oil is not suitable for use in heavy trucks and similar vehicles!